Welcome to a new kind of blog experience. Today, you’ll choose your own path to discovering your purpose. Along the way, you’ll make decisions based on real moments from my journey. Every choice leads to a unique insight, just like life. As you read through each step, select either Choice A or Choice B to guide your path forward.
Good luck!
Step 1: The Crossroads of Reflection
You wake up knowing there's more out there for you, but you're not sure what that "more" is. It feels like a familiar uncertainty, much like when I left high school and didn't know where I belonged. You have two options for starting your day:
A. Reach out to someone who inspires you (go to Step 2A)
B. Reflect on your own past experiences for answers (go to Step 2B)

Step 2A: Reaching Out for Inspiration
You decide to contact someone who has made an impact on you. Just like I did when I reached out to mentors early in my career, seeking guidance on how to make a real difference. One mentor recommends a podcast about rediscovering your passion, while another invites you to an event later that night.
What do you do?
A. Listen to the podcast immediately (go to Step 3A)
B. Attend the event and connect with others (go to Step 3B)
Step 2B: Reflecting on Your Journey
You sit down and think about moments in your life when you felt most fulfilled. This reminds me of how I realized my calling while working with at-risk teens in 2014. As you reflect, you remember an opportunity to volunteer at a local youth organization. Do you take action?
A. Sign up for the volunteer opportunity (go to Step 3C)
B. Keep reflecting on deeper moments (go to Step 3D)
Step 3A: The Power of a Podcast
The podcast inspires you with this quote: “Your purpose is where your passion and the world’s needs meet.” It brings me back to when I first discovered Motivational Interviewing principles and saw the profound impact empathy could have. You start brainstorming ways to align your skills with what the world needs.
The End: You find clarity in aligning your passion with making a difference, just as I did when founding Speak4MC.
Step 3B: The Energy of Connection
At the event, you meet someone who shares your drive for positive change. Like the moment I first presented the C.A.P.E. approach to over 200 teenagers, the connection feels powerful. This person offers you an opportunity to collaborate on a meaningful project.
The End: You realize the importance of connection and collaboration in finding your purpose, mirroring my journey in working with agencies like Eckerd and BAYS.

Step 3C: Volunteering with a Purpose
You volunteer, and on your first day, you help a young person feel seen and heard—much like when I worked with that teen who had lost hope. You feel a deep sense of fulfillment in giving back.
The End: You discover that serving others is the key to unlocking your purpose, just as I did when I saw how empathy could transform lives.

Step 3D: Digging Deeper into Your Story
As you continue to reflect, you realize that your purpose is evolving—much like my discovery that change without purpose is no better than staying the same. This insight gives you a sense of peace, knowing that purpose is not fixed, but a journey.
The End: You embrace the journey of purpose, understanding that it grows with you over time, just as mine did from CNA to founding Speak4MC.
No matter which path you took, each decision brought you closer to discovering a deeper sense of purpose. Like my journey, your path will have its ups and downs, but with the right mindset, you can turn every moment into a stepping stone toward positive change.
What did you learn from your choices, and how will you apply them moving forward? Let’s continue the conversation—share your thoughts, and I’ll send the first three commenters a free copy of my book!
Statements in this blog reflect the author's personal opinions and do not represent any other person, company, or organization. This blog aims to provide general knowledge and raise awareness of tools, techniques, people, and organizations that bring about positive change. Readers are strongly encouraged to conduct independent research on the topics discussed.