In December, we set goals; in January, we take steps towards them; in February, we go on a goal sabbatical; and in March, we say in December, we will set new goals.
What if, this time, we committed to setting one short-term goal per month for six months?
Pick one short-term goal from each category below, identify a month you will complete it, and our brain will reward us with motivation and encouragement!
Print this page and track your progress! Every goal you ever gave up on was partly because you didn't have a way to track progress or were not committed to monitoring it.
Health and Fitness Goals
1. Incorporate regular exercise into your routine, aiming for at least 20 minutes daily. It will be critical that you track your exercise to ensure you experience progress.
2. Learn to cook new healthy recipes and expand your culinary skills. The microwave doesn't count.
3. Explore different forms of fitness, such as yoga or Pilates. Do something you have never done!
4. Take up a sport or join a recreational team. Your local pickleball court is waiting.
What month will you complete this goal?
How will you reward yourself after completing it?
Personal Growth Goals
5. Read or listen to (some) of a new book monthly to broaden your horizons. Reading is the one activity that I must force myself to do, but I always feel better after doing it.
6. Set aside time for self-reflection and journaling. Let 2024 be the year of deep understanding of you.
7. Learn a new language to broaden your communication skills. This is something I REALLY have to force myself to do.
8. Volunteer for a cause you are passionate about. Giving back and impacting others will fuel and motivate you to do the hard things.
What month will you complete this goal?
How will you reward yourself after completing it?
Career and Financial Goals
9. Learn effective time management techniques to optimize productivity. It's all about tracking. Make and track your "to-do" list, and you will be more efficient.
10. Network with professionals in your industry. There are way too many options to network to make excuses about not having time to network.
11. Seek opportunities for professional development and growth. There is no biological incentive to stay the same.
12. Take steps toward starting your own business or side hustle. There are way too many options to turn your passion into a hustle to make excuses about not having time to turn your passion into a side hustle.
What month will you complete this goal?
How will you reward yourself after completing it?
Relationship Goals
13. Improve communication with your partner or family members. It's easy to say nothing, but communication is the foundation of every relationship.
14. Strengthen existing friendships and make new connections. The most challenging part of maintaining strong friendships is understanding that we are not the same people who made them. Grow together and surround yourself with connections that strengthen your future.
15. Plan regular date nights or outings with your significant other. This is a big one.
16. Mend fractured relationships and reconcile with estranged friends or family members. The longer you hold onto broken feelings, the heavier they become. Fix what's broken, or put it down forever.
What month will you complete this goal?
How will you reward yourself after completing it?
Agility and Adaptability Goals
17. Embrace change and step out of your comfort zone. If you're not challenged, you're not changing. Don't let ambivalence win.
18. Practice resilience in the face of challenges. Who you are when faced with adversity is who you are in your purest form.
19. Learn to embrace failure as a stepping stone to success. You will fail. How you respond to it dictates everything.
20. Cultivate a positive mindset and focus on self-improvement. Reframe negative thinking. For every negative self-talk statement, make one positive statement.
What month will you complete this goal?
How will you reward yourself after completing it?
Environmental Goals
21. Recycle to minimize waste. It's just another can.
22. Plant trees or support local reforestation projects. It feels good to purchase a plant or tree and watch it grow.
23. Turn off the power and water. If you don't use it, you won't lose it. Please turn it off when not in use.
24. Pick a day to pick up trash. No one might see it, but your heart will feel better.
What month will you complete this goal?
How will you reward yourself after completing it?
As we embark on a new year, let these 24-goal ideas inspire you to unlock your full potential in 2024. Remember, consistently pursuing personal growth, wellness, and happiness is the key to success. Should you need guidance and support along the way, contact!
We can and will do this together!
*Statements on this blog reflect the author's personal opinions and do not represent any other person, company, or organization. The purpose of this blog is general knowledge and to bring awareness to tools, techniques, people, and organizations that bring about positive change. The reader is strongly encouraged to perform independent research about the topics discussed.