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Speak for Motivating Change

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We provide training, speaking, consulting, and development to organizations serving all ages and backgrounds.

"Really enjoyed the experience. I laughed harder than I have in a while, and even shed a couple tears. Thank you for bringing awareness to the places within myself I needed it most."

Social Worker, C.A.P.E. Team-Building

Frequently Asked Questions

Curtis Campogni - Founder of SpeaK4MC

What is Speak4MC?

Speak4MC, founded by Curtis Campogni, is a purpose-driven business dedicated to sparking real change through engaging and thought-provoking workshops, training, and speaking. We specialize in youth and adult engagement, retention, leadership, and empathetic communication designed to inspire new ideas, perspectives, and change.

Who can benefit from Speak4MC's services?

Our services are ideal for child welfare agencies, educators, parents, youth workers, and anyone committed to inspiring change and empowering others. We tailor our approach to meet the specific needs of our clients.


What types of training do you offer?

We offer training in Motivational Interviewing, effective communication strategies, and engagement techniques. Speak4MC has over 30 workshops inspired by Motivational Interviewing, behavioral psychology, evidence-based lectures, and personal experience.

Can you tell me more about "C.A.P.E. Conversations"?

"C.A.P.E. Conversations: How Superheroes Communicate with Children" is a book authored by Curtis Campogni. It offers practical tools for parents, educators, and professionals to improve interactions with children.

How can I book a workshop or consultation?

Booking a workshop or consultation is easy! Simply contact us through our website or email us at

Do you offer online training?

Yes, we offer both in-person and online training sessions. Our flexible options accommodate different needs and schedules.

What makes Speak4MC different?

Speak4MC is not a traditional training or consultation company. We are a purpose-driven business focused on creating real change.

How can I stay updated with Speak4MC's latest news and events?

Follow us on social media and subscribe to our newsletter for updates. Visit our website for more information and links to our social media channels.

I have more questions. How can I get in touch?

We’d love to hear from you! Reach out through our contact form on the website or email us at

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"If you give a plant soil, water, and sunshine, it will grow upwards towards the light."

Mission: Speak4MC believes that any person, organization, and community can grow. Speak4MC provides services inspired by collaboration, optimism, and empathy designed to inspire short and long-term change.

Vision: To become the world's most trusted source for inspirational content that influences positive change, raises awareness, and disrupts the status quo.

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Now on Amazon! 

C.A.P.E. Conversations:
How Superheroes Communicate with Children

This book is more than just a guide; it’s an experience with superheroes who save the day and teach us how to guide young heroes in the making.



There are a lot of trainings available today, but how Curtis engages multiple people at the same time from different backgrounds is above board. - Clydette E. MA, MFT H.O.P.E. Supervisor

😱 One of The Most Motivational Speeches - Can't LOSE: 💪Unstealable Superpower 🔒 - Powerful Speech

😱 One of The Most Motivational Speeches - Can't LOSE: 💪Unstealable Superpower 🔒 - Powerful Speech

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Organizations Currently Partnering with Speak4MC to Inspire Change

Working with Top-Tier Partners to Foster Change


"Really interactive, engaging, and beneficial to the team. There was a contagious energy the whole time and it was a great way to team build/improve the quality of our work. Curtis is our new favorite person!"

Program Director - Child Welfare - South Carolina

"Was very informative! Curtis helped bring to light a new way of thinking when approaching our clients. The MI training was much-needed and very eye-opening."

Youth Care Worker - Foster Care - North Carolina 

"It was phenomenal. I really learned a lot about techniques and roadblocks and how to employ MI in real life. Curtis was amazing. High energy but is also extremely informative."

Operations Director - Child Stabilization - North Carolina

Speak4MC Blog



"From the beginning, Curtis made the entire team feel comfortable, and his interactions were genuine, focused, and engaging. The information we received and the activities to reinforce our learning were invaluable, and I know they will impact my interactions with customers and co-workers alike. Curtis was always patient, knowledgeable, and professional; no questions went unanswered. If you want to step up your Motivational Interviewing game, look no further!

Dr. Ornette James-Constantine

Most Popular Services 

Visit our Services page for a full list of workshop topics and resources.

Motivational Interviewing (MI)

Learn evidence-based techniques that inspire change, partnership, and growth. MI training promotes client engagement, improves staff motivation, and fosters a non-judgmental workplace culture. 

Leadership Development 

Participate in activities, open discussion, and “real play” challenges that promote strong leadership rooted in optimism and empathy. Leadership training builds rapport and communication while influencing self-awareness and growth.

Keynote Workshops

Curtis delivers powerful and inspirational presentations at conferences, meetings, and team-building retreats. Visit our testimonials page to learn how Speak4MC will take your event to the next level!  


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"The facilitator's integrity, optimism, and empathy were essential to building a learning environment of trust, respect, emotional safety, and value. The team engagement was high throughout the three full days of training. The subject matter was rooted in well-designed experiential learning challenges. It accelerated our capacity to learn, practice and retain the material for the ultimate benefit of the ones we serve. Curtis exceeded our expectations."

Lead Reemployment Coordinator - Region 10 / Southern Indiana Works Career Center

“My experience with Speak4MC was incredible and memorable. The training provided me with the knowledge I can implement professionally and personally. This was by far the best training I have received, and it helped me open my eyes to a different way of thinking and understanding my purpose.”

Career Navigator

"This was the best training; life-changing. Curtis was highly cheerful and incredibly knowledgeable. He opened our eyes up to see things in a different light. He should do more training for our center in the future."

Workforce Professional - Youth and Young Adults


400 N Ashley Dr Ste 1900, Tampa, FL, 33602


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"Curtis dug deep with our team. He tackled the underlying emotions we have for each other and opened my eyes to my interactions with co-workers. This training was much needed, and I enjoyed Curtis so much!"

Licensed Clinician

"Curtis’ training allowed me to reflect on my approach as a Program Director and restructure my thinking. He also gave my team and me the tools needed to support these new ideas and succeed. My team will be stronger than ever, thanks to him!"

FFT Program Director

"Curtis is a phenomenal trainer. His exceptional training skills allow trainees to explore their own and other perspectives. It’s interactive, informative, creative, and inspiring. You’ll learn incredible ways to become more empathetic and motivate change."

Functional Family Therapist

🦸‍♂️Heroes Never Give Up on Kids🙏 - Wear a C.A.P.E. #shorts #dontgiveup #speak4mc
Speak for Motivating Change (Speak4MC)

🦸‍♂️Heroes Never Give Up on Kids🙏 - Wear a C.A.P.E. #shorts #dontgiveup #speak4mc

In a world where challenges seem impossible and negativity dominates your social media algorithm, some unsung heroes never give up on kids. They are the unwavering champions, the dedicated teachers, mentors, and caregivers who believe in every child's potential. They are parents, family members, single mothers, and fathers. They are organizations that structure their entire mission around helping children. These heroes are on the front lines daily, working tirelessly to provide a safe and nurturing environment for our youth. They inspire, encourage, and empower children to dream big and reach for the stars. No matter the obstacles they face, these champions persevere with patience, compassion, and a steadfast commitment to making a difference in the lives of young ones. They are a beacon of hope, a guiding light in the darkness. Their impact is immeasurable, and their dedication is unwavering. They stand tall, undeterred by setbacks or challenges, knowing that every child deserves a chance to thrive and succeed. So here's to the heroes who never give up on kids. Your passion, your dedication, and your love are truly remarkable. Who are some heroes you know that never give up on kids? Tell us in the comments. @ymca @BBBSofAmerica #UnwaveringChampions #Heroes #NeverGiveUp #Kids #Inspiration #RoleModels #Mentors #Education #Empowerment #MakingADifference #Impact #YouthDevelopment #BelieveInKids #Strength #Resilience #Dedication #Motivation #PositiveChange #CommunitySupport #SupportTheYouth #speak4mc


Training and Coaching Inspired by Motivational Interviewing Principles

Speak4MC believes that any person, organization, and community can grow with the right tools, support, and motivation. Speak4MC provides services inspired by collaboration, compassion, empathy, and evocation.

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